

Formo-Cresol •Strong and long-acting antibacterial and antiseptic


Hemostop Hemostop OrisTech is a composition of

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About Us

Oris’s research team started its research in
the fields of nanotechnology, polymers, phar
maceutical biotechnology in 2017, using up
to date knowledge and accurate analysis of
existing markets in the country.
In 2017, after continuous and dynamic activi
ties with the aim of localizing dental products
and improving their quality in order to export
to other countries, by establishing Tarbiat
Modares University Science and Technology
Park, he established Nasl Karo Technology
The determination and willingness of the com
pany are to bring its research and basic proj
ects to the forefront after many years of the
synergy of knowledge and experience based
on systematic thinking.


Quality plays an important role as an effective
factor in global patterns of bilateral trade. Its
effect on demand can be examined through
the relationship between income and aggre
gate demand.
Karo Generation Knowledge Based Technolo
gy Company intends to take an effective step
towards supplying the domestic market and
exporting to other countries by offering dis
posable products and dental materials.