تولید شده از مواد پلی استایرن با گرید مدیکال
رنگ‌سفید با ضخامت ۲۰۰ میکرون
وزن بسته :۵۰۰ گرم
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معرفی ویدیو

کاتالوگ محصول

طریقه استفاده


Phosphoric acid 37%

phosphoric acid gel 37% with non-Newtonian viscosity used to etch dentin and enamel to create ideal bonding surfaces. P-Etch is self-limiting in its depth of etch, creating an etch pattern that bonding can penetrate for increased bond strength and reduced sensitivity. Combined with an ideal viscosity with a polymer thickener that facilitates precise placement and also prevents interference with resin materials by easily washing this product.

• Preparation of tooth enamel and dentine surface for bonding with composite
• Removing residual salts from hydrofluoric acid on the porcelain surface for 15 seconds

• Etching with a penetration depth of 1.9 micrometers in 15 seconds in order not to cause tooth sensitivity.
• Self limiting properties in the depth of etching.
• Ideal viscosity for Blue microtip and inspiral brush tip.
• Thixotropic:for offers precise (meticulous) placement.
• Prevention of tooth decay again due to the antibacterial substance benzalkonium chloride
• Possibility to penetrate small Pit & Fissures.
• Quick and effective application to the desired place.
• Enables to rinse completely and easily from the tooth surface.
• High biocompatibility
• Non-toxicity and non-allergenicity
• Unique cobalt color for easy identification
• Special displacer on the plunger ensures economical dispensing of material
• Stable viscosity during the etching time on the toot

Type of packaging:
This product is available in the following two types of High and Low viscosty :

Syringe model
• Three 2.5 ml syringes with caps
• Three Tips
• Instructions for use
Jumbo model
• A 50 ml syringe with a cap
• Three Tips
• Three syringes of 3 ml
• One cap
• One connector
• Instructions for use

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